

Modules of Easy Organizer Suite™.

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easyWebsites Organizer™ Module - Pro Edition

The easyWebsites Organizer Module keeps track of your favorite websites. It can contain links with Design Charts in easythreads Organizer as well as charts in other Modules. The Pro Edition includes all of the features from the Standard Edition, plus the Import and Export features and updating of the System Tables. You will receive an Activation Key to unlock the easyWebsites Organizer Module.

easyEmbroidery File Organizer™ Module - Standard Edition

The easyEmbroidery File Organizer Module keeps track of your embroidery files. It shows your embroidery files in categories that you define, and each embroidery file can be in multiple categories. The Standard Edition includes all the basic functionality of the program. You will receive an Activation Key to unlock the easyEmbroidery File Organizer Module.

easyQuiltPatterns Organizer™ Module - Pro Edition

The easyQuiltPatterns Organizer Module keeps track of your quilt patterns. It can contain links with Website Charts in easyWebsites Organizer as well as charts in other Modules. You will receive an Activation Key to unlock the easyQuiltPatterns Organizer Module.

easySewingPatterns Organizer™ Module - Pro Edition

The easySewingPatterns Organizer Module keeps track of your sewing patterns. It can contain links with Fabric Charts in easyFabrics Organizer as well as charts in other Modules. You will receive an Activation Key to unlock the easySewingPatterns Organizer Module.